
Pastor Jay Nicoson Life Devotions

Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17

We have finished our 90 Devotional Challenge, so today I  just would like to share a couple thoughts.  In January I called our local house to a 90-day devotional challenge that included personal private prayer at least 5 times a week, personal private worship at least 5 times a week, reading God’s word 5 times a week, as well as journaling and supplemental reading 2-3 times a week.  As a church culture these are the things that will give LIFT to our individual lives as well as our church community.  I want to see each of us increase our private devotional life because this will bless each of us immensely in our walk with the Lord.

I want to pose a question:  Do these weekly devos that I am writing also giving you LIFT  and is it something you look forward to weekly?  I want to know that a resource like this is going to be a blessing to you and that you are using this resource for your spiritual enrichment.  I want to extend “What God is Saying” in our house each week and allow the revelation that is flowing in our services to multiply through this devo.  I want this to be a way that I can say a little more of what I was not able to say in a recent service.  I also want to equip you with the things that will challenge and bless your walk as well as your serving of the Lord.

God calls us to be IRON and to sharpen one another.  A good interpretation of this passage of scripture is “Just as a hard iron hammer pounds soft iron into something sharp, ready for battle.”  I want this devo to be a “hard iron hammer” for your life because I know God wants to shape you into a man or a woman of God who is ready for any and every battle you will face in life.

Please let me know below if you are blessed and sharpened by these devos and that you are hungry for them to continue so that you can be made sharp for the battles that are ahead in life.  Blessings!  – Pastor Jay Nicoson

Pray This…

Father thank you for challenging me to a 90-day devotional commitment. Help me to live a life of devotion and not just DO devotions. I ask you to continue to draw me closer to you as I seek you in prayer, worship, the word! Help me also to be IRON and to sharpen my family, friends and community with your love and life!IN JESUS NAME! AMEN!

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